Posts tagged art
Artist + Analyst : James Hall

“As I’ve learned to care for myself better – that means my spiritual, physical and mental health, I’ve been able to reconnect with the enjoyment of working on writing, playing and performing music.

I had given decades of my own power away, concerning myself with how others think, how others feel, with little regard for its cost to me. I now have a great appreciation for life, my ability to do music and it’s capacity to help me grow.”

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Artist + Analyst: Michael Jerome Moore

“For me, the supernatural realm is a spiritual realm and I tend to meld the two together. Therefore, what are commonly referred to as miracles tend to be normal, no less amazing, but not unbelievable. The words we share with one another are equally that of a spiritual and supernatural realm which resonate profoundly once we learn our respective sounds and phonetics. I believe the spirit is who and what we all truly are, as well as bio-organisms derived of stardust. We are energy that resonates.”

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Artist + Analyst : The Project

My interest does not lie in analyzing the contributors or engaging in psychobiography, rather, I am interested in this place where art and language meet and how that gets taken up by artists as well as this space/place beyond language. The desire is not to decipher the mystery of art but rather to amplify it. To engage art as that which is radically singular and counter to the master's discourse. In this way, psychoanalysis itself is an art and a subversive act.

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